Flea is a highly specialized parasite that is extremely well adapted to its environment. The first step toward effective control is recognition of two very important factors. First, the flea’s life cycle has four distinct stages (egg, larvae, pupa and adult) and no single insecticide treatment can kill all of the stages all of the time. Second, the flea population must be controlled everywhere it exists, on pet, in the home and in the yard.
Customer awareness and cooperation is an extremely important factor in effective flea control. Responsibilities both before and after treatment must be clearly understood.
· Cat Fleas
· Dog Fleas
· Oriental Rat Fleas
· Human Fleas
· Carriers of Bubonic plague and Maurine typhus
· Fleas bites cause irritation and may result in skin reactions
· Their presence and bites cause loss of goodwill
· Parasites of man and animals