Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Termite Detection System

With the unit in the HIGH SENSITIVITY SETTING slowly run the probe along the baseboard. If the alarm sounds every time the probe passes a certain point this will indicate termites in that area of the wall. This method is 85%-90% accurate, about as accurate as a Termite Dog.

Dry-wood Termites may also be detected by The Termite Detection System; however it does take a little more time when doing an inspection.
Since these termites make no tubes, do not come out of the ground and usually have no more than 8,000 in the colony, a more thorough inspection is required.
All termites produce large amounts of Carbon Dioxide and since CO2 is heavier than air it settles to the lowest point in the wall or roof cavity.


MOHD NOORHAM ( ALEX ) 012-7571120
MOHD HAZELY 012-2840757

Friday, April 17, 2009


Flea is a highly specialized parasite that is extremely well adapted to its environment. The first step toward effective control is recognition of two very important factors. First, the flea’s life cycle has four distinct stages (egg, larvae, pupa and adult) and no single insecticide treatment can kill all of the stages all of the time. Second, the flea population must be controlled everywhere it exists, on pet, in the home and in the yard.

Customer awareness and cooperation is an extremely important factor in effective flea control. Responsibilities both before and after treatment must be clearly understood.


· Cat Fleas

· Dog Fleas

· Oriental Rat Fleas

· Human Fleas


· Carriers of Bubonic plague and Maurine typhus

· Fleas bites cause irritation and may result in skin reactions

· Their presence and bites cause loss of goodwill

· Parasites of man and animals

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hornet nest inside the house

Hornet nest inside the house...
We are doing residual spray to kill the whole nest..

Then, we take out the whole nest to dispose...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Diantara kaedah membasmi anai-anai....

kerja-kerja Corrective Treatment (Drilling) sedang dijalankan...

Bahan kimia akan dimasukkan ke dalam lubang yang ditebuk dan ditampal semula.

Friday, January 30, 2009

fogging treatment

Wednesday, August 13, 2008